Zala Springs Golf Resort
Zala Springs Golf Resort
- 20% from the full price GreenFee (Tuesday and Wednesday)
- 10% from the full price GreenFee (every other day)
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A unique golf experience is guaranteed by one of the world’s finest course designers Robert Trent Jones Jr., whose outstanding career spans more than four decades. The 18 hole championship golf course is 6351 m long (PAR 72) built surrounded natural reserves, vineyards and lakes, suitable to host all international tournaments both for professionals and amateurs.
The design of the golf course allows all players from the beginner to the professional to enjoy the course, there are 4 different tees to choose from.
The course fits beautifully in the picturesque Zala Valley, around the course vineyards, rolling hills similar to the Tuscan countryside and lakes can be found. The whole 18 hole length of the course was completed in September 2015. The Zala Springs Golf Resort’s 3000 m2, two-story club house provides comfort for the visitors of the golf club.
The design of the golf course allows all players from the beginner to the professional to enjoy the course, there are 4 different tees to choose from.
The course fits beautifully in the picturesque Zala Valley, around the course vineyards, rolling hills similar to the Tuscan countryside and lakes can be found. The whole 18 hole length of the course was completed in September 2015. The Zala Springs Golf Resort’s 3000 m2, two-story club house provides comfort for the visitors of the golf club.